Archive for seal workout

Navy Seal Workout – Seal workout

Take a different approach to training. Build up endurance, stamina, power, flexibility, and thus achieve the elite level of fitness.

The SEAL acronym stands for Sea, Air, and Land, which identifies the elements in which they operate. SEALs work in small units — often one to two men, but sometimes in a platoon comprised of up to 16. They are trained to perform specific tasks under any type of circumstance and in any environment. Their training takes place in the desert, the jungle, in extreme hot and cold weather, and in urban areas.

SEAL mis­sions require detailed planning and precise execution. SEALs are trained to perform missions that fall into five main categories:

  • Unconventional Warfare (wu)
  • Foreign Internal Defense (FID)
  • Direct Action (DA)
  • Counterterrorism (CT)
  • Special Reconnaissance (SR)

For more detailed information about Navy Seal Workout visit my site.

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